Archway Network
Archway Network

The Archway Network is a decentralized ecosystem designed to support developers and projects by providing a sustainable growth environment for decentralized applications (dapps). By utilizing a unique distribution model and Archway’s native token, the Archway Network creates a virtuous feedback loop that incentivizes developers to build and maintain dapps, ultimately driving value and adoption within the ecosystem. Built using the Cosmos SDK, Tendermint, IBC, and CosmWasm, Archway provides a flexible and secure platform for smart contracts and decentralized governance.

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Total Commits on the project's Github
Contributors who frequently active on the project's Github over the last 90 days
This is the number of issues that have been created on Github.
On average, this is how fast an issue is solved on Github.
This metric indicates the contribution of community to every repositories on Github.
Total Pull Requests that have been created on Github
The number of Stars among all Github repositories on Github.
This is the number of forks that currently exist in Github.
Activity Trend
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