
Canto is an EVM-compatible Layer 1 blockchain that is part of the Cosmos ecosystem, launched with the mission to make decentralized finance (DeFi) services free. It distinguishes itself by offering feeless transactions and focusing on a decentralized vision with no official foundation or token presale. Canto provides core DeFi services like a decentralized exchange (DEX), stablecoins, and lending protocols without charging users fees. Founded by notable figures in the DeFi space, Canto aims to reshape the future of DeFi by prioritizing accessibility and eliminating cost barriers for users.

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On average, this is how fast an issue is solved on Github.
This metric indicates the contribution of community to every repositories on Github.
Total Pull Requests that have been created on Github
The number of Stars among all Github repositories on Github.
This is the number of forks that currently exist in Github.
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