
Our mission is to build the infrastructure required for developing modern, decentralized and peer-to-peer (P2P) applications free from centralized rent-seeking.We achieve this by providing open-source software tools which you can use together with our interoperable decentralized network, to harness the power of AI and automation, and carry out complex tasks in the digital economy. Fetch AI is built on the Cosmos SDK as a Proof-of-stake chain that utilizes other core Cosmos elements like IBC & the Tendermint BFT consensus mechanism.

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Contributors who frequently active on the project's Github over the last 90 days
This is the number of issues that have been created on Github.
On average, this is how fast an issue is solved on Github.
This metric indicates the contribution of community to every repositories on Github.
Total Pull Requests that have been created on Github
The number of Stars among all Github repositories on Github.
This is the number of forks that currently exist in Github.
Activity Trend
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