OmniFlix Network
OmniFlix Network

OmniFlix Network is a decentralized platform designed to empower creators and communities in the web3 ecosystem. It offers a suite of products that facilitate the creation, management, and distribution of intellectual property, primarily focusing on media assets. OmniFlix aims to simplify operations around media assets, combining the advantages of sovereign and interoperable infrastructure.

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Total Commits on the project's Github
Contributors who frequently active on the project's Github over the last 90 days
This is the number of issues that have been created on Github.
On average, this is how fast an issue is solved on Github.
This metric indicates the contribution of community to every repositories on Github.
Total Pull Requests that have been created on Github
The number of Stars among all Github repositories on Github.
This is the number of forks that currently exist in Github.
Activity Trend
No Data



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