Regen Network
Regen Network

Regen Network aims to establish foundational fintech infrastructure for ecological claims and data, serving as the base layer for climate-focused projects. By combining blockchain and ecology, it addresses environmental challenges and redefines societal appreciation of ecological stewardship. The platform includes Regen Ledger, which launched in April 2021, and Regen Marketplace, launched in September 2022. Nature Carbon Ton (NCT) was introduced, enabling trade on the Osmosis platform. The platform utilizes modules like Ecocredit, Marketplace, and Data to facilitate on-chain trading of ecosystem service credits. $REGEN is the native token rewarding validators and facilitating governance. The community, composed of scientists, developers, and enthusiasts, aims to have a significant climate impact with millions of credits retired and hectares of land under ecological regeneration.

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The number of Stars among all Github repositories on Github.
This is the number of forks that currently exist in Github.
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